Up to
1 Year FREE education training

Gain unlimited access to all 130+ CPD accredited education e-learning and webinar courses for up to 1 year!

We offer a complete range of courses to cover your statutory requirements, including Safeguarding Level 1 - 3, Child Protection, Safer Recruitment, Peer-on-Peer Abuse, Mental Health, Health and Safety, and many more.

Learn more below ⬇

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Learn directly from accredited education experts!

  • 130+ CPD accredited webinar & E-Learning courses
  • Unlimited access for the entire school
  • Content written and endorsed by experts
  • Free Learner Management System with staff reporting & compliance tracking
  • 24/7 support
  • Compliant with the latest statutory guidance

Training Courses

Cover your essential training requirements with all CPD accredited training courses ranging from Child Protection to GDPR, Fire Safety to Mental Wellbeing - ALL included in this offer.

Check out our popular courses below:

Most Popular Safeguarding for Eduaction Training Courses

Safeguarding level 1 - 3

Safeguarding Levels 1 - 3

Safeguarding of Children and Young People Level 1 - 3 provides key information needed to help raise awareness of vulnerable children.

Child Protection

Child Protection

Learn how to protect children and young people from abuse in an educational setting.

Peer on Peer Abuse

Peer on Peer Abuse

Gain a thorough understanding of Peer on Peer abuse and what it looks like.

Enquire now

Most Popular Mental Health for Eduaction Training Courses

Mental Wellbeing in Children

Mental Wellbeing

Gain an understanding of mental wellbeing in children and the best way to support them.

Understanding Anxiety

Understanding Anxiety

Learn the types, causes, symptoms and common triggers of anxiety.

Supporting Staff Wellbeing In Schools

Supporting Staff Wellbeing In Schools

Recognise the causes of work-related stress and how to support your staff and colleagues.

Most Popular Health & Safety for Eduaction Training Courses

Food Safety in Education

Food Safety

Gain knowledge of food hygiene and an understanding of good food safety practices.

Fire Safety in Education

Fire Safety

Learn the importance of fire safety in education and the fire hazards that could occur.


First Aid

Teaches learners how to provide basic first aid and life support and how to deal with incidents requiring first aid in an education setting.

Most Popular Compliance for Eduaction Training Courses

Equality & Diversity

Equality & Diversity in Education

Know the meanings of Equality and Diversity and the responsibilities employers and employees have.

Safer Recruitment

Safer Recruitment in Education

Learn the process of safe recruitment including vetting, pre and post recruitment.

School Admissions Training Course

School Admissions

Understand school admissions code, policies and regulations in school admissions and the laws/guidelines.

View our full course list for FREE!

Our Training Methods

Online training is the new way forward. They are designed to save you time and money whilst meeting the highest standards required.


A golden opportunity to learn a skill while you're sitting still. Upskill your staff from the safety of their own homes.

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Unlimited Users

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130+ accredited courses



Still get the face-to-face experience but all from the comfort of your home.

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Book up to 12 members of staff

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75+ accredited courses

Cheryl Rhodes

Cheryl Rhodes

“ I opted for the pay monthly scheme as it was the best option for us and I am so glad I did. My staff can complete any of their courses and I am able to see what percentages my staff are achieving on each attempt of the tests - even if they fail. Definitely recommend. ”

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ALL courses are CPD accredited

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Content written by education experts

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Flexible training - train anytime, anywhere

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Expand your knowledge with up-to-date content

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Best online courses & reporting system

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Cut training expenses without sacrificing quality

Message Us

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